Hack Proofing your Identity - Are you secure ?

Most of us are on Facebook and multitudes of other social networks as well as online communities. In doing so, we share personal information to the public and to whoever wants to see it.

I am pretty sure you too have tried to Google your name and it's amazing how much information comes out about you, your connections, what you do and traces of your online presence. Have you ever wondered if your identity on the internet can be at risk ? Well, Hack Proofing you identity in the information age has become crucial and the Ebook I am going to present to you sheds light on the ways one can steal your personal information, bank account information and ways to stay safe from identity theft.

Book Contents:
Chapter 1,What is Identity Theft?,starts us off with a definition of identity
theft, what it is, how it happens, and shows how identity theft is more prevalent
than you think.

Chapter 2,Protecting Your Hard Drive, guides us through the various steps of
protecting our hard drives through the use of strong passwords, updated anti-virus
software, and proper handling of temporary files.There’s a lot more hiding on your
hard drive than you may be aware of, and identity thieves are everywhere and know
what to look for.

Chapter 3,Keeping Your E-mail Private, shows us how e-mail opens up your computer to the outside world. Discussions of viruses, malicious code, SPAM, and e-mail
fraud are included, as well as tips for protecting your personal information and preventing any potential computer damaging security breaches.

Chapters 4 and 5,Self Defense on the Web and Connecting to the Internet Safely, will
look at what a network is, how your network and the Internet can be used in identity theft, and how to avoid common mistakes that make it easy for a thief to do his
work. As you examine the risks of various types of network and Internet connections, we will demonstrate a few surprisingly simple ways to access other computers.
These demonstrations are intended only for educational purposes—to show you the
kinds of information other computers on your network can see.

Chapter 6 takes on the sensitive topic of Are Your Kids Putting You At Risk?
Unfortunately, children can be at risk on the Internet if they are not properly educated about the dangers of sharing personal information (both their own and that of
their parents). On the flipside, children could be breaking the law without even
knowing it, depending on their interests or proficiency with computers, by down-loading copyrighted material, accessing the Internet with a connection provided by
their parent’s employer, and so on. This chapter stresses the importance of proper
education, and offers some suggestions for monitoring your child’s activities online.

Chapter 7 offers suggestions and possible answers to the question,What to Do If
You Become A Victim
?This chapter offers helpful tips on contacting law enforcement,
filing reports, contacting credit bureaus, and rebuilding your finances after becoming
a victim of identity theft.

Finally, Chapter 8,Configuring Your Browser and Firewall, offers some practical step-by-step instructions for setting up your Internet browser and personal firewalls to
further protect your computer from intruders or identity thieves.